Mike Pence Continues To Defend His Use Of Personal Email: ‘There’s No Comparison’ To Hillary

On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence defended his personal email account use and scoffed at critics who compared it to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state. The former Indiana governor said this situation is different as he was in line with the state’s laws, as reported by The Indianapolis Star.

After word spilled on Thursday about how Pence used his personal email address (an AOL one to boot) to conduct state business, many were up in arms, especially since the account was hacked. Comparisons to Clinton’s email situation arose since Donald Trump and Pence made the issue a pillar of the campaign, touting it as a source of distrust and starting “lock her up” chants, but Pence is pushing back at those comparisons. He argued that Clinton used her account to “misuse” classified information, while he says he followed the rules:

“There’s no comparison whatsoever between Hillary Clinton’s practice — having a private server, misusing classified information, destroying emails when they were requested by the Congress. We have fully complied with Indiana’s laws. We had outside counsel review all of my previous email records to identify any that ever mentioned or referenced state business.”

Pence may have a point, and while his use of personal email didn’t violate Indiana law, this still raises plenty of alarms for security purposes. Also, people will continue to enjoy calling him out for publicly criticizing Clinton for being careless with her email when he had his email hacked, too.

(Via The Indianapolis Star)