Samantha Bee Takes Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, And Other Media Men To The Woodshed For Their ‘Creepy’ Behavior

Full Frontal has been off for a few weeks due to Thanksgiving, so Samantha Bee had a lot of catching up to do in the world of politics and entertainment. That means she missed a lot of events, including the sexual misconduct allegations against Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and several other high-profile names in the media. She also missed out on the GOP tax plan fiasco that closed out last, meaning she was practically spoiled for topics to talk about.

Her main segment for the evening dealt with Lauer and the others being fired, weaving in their treatment of women in the past and their role in Election 2016. While exhaustion about the election is very real, it can’t be ignored when Lauer, Rose, and Mark Halperin were all major voices that garnered criticism for their treatment Hillary Clinton. Bee uses Halperin’s comments about Clinton needing to use “humor” to get ahead in the election to his question for Trump about his eating habits, and it’s not a good look. While some were critical of Lauer and Halperin during the campaign, the accusations against them seem to amplify the past behavior.

On top of that, Bee pulls out the really incriminating footage on Lauer and his encounter live on Today with Miss Piggy. Even that has a more sinister feel to it now after Lauer’s dismissal from NBC and the reports about his lair with the door that locks from his desk.

She does concede that we’ll never fully know if their reporting did affect the outcome of the election but adds they did help spread the email controversy about Clinton and did their best to humanize Trump. If anything, it is another wrinkle to their scandalous story. Also, we should all weep for Miss Piggy.

(Via Full Frontal)