Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton Couldn’t Have Spent Their Post-Debate Haze In More Different Ways

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Ahead of next week’s New York primary, the Democrats are putting up a more entertaining show than the Republicans at this point. Last night’s so-called “Battle In Brooklyn” drew 5.6 million viewers for CNN, which is on par with the Flint, Michigan and Miami, Florida debates. These two aren’t drawing anywhere near the numbers of Republicans, who captured 11.8 million in Miami, but the Dems have an audience who will repeatedly tune in. Whereas the GOP isn’t holding new debates anytime soon, if ever.

Following Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’ shouting match, the two candidates couldn’t have dreamed up a greater contrast for how they used their respective Fridays. Clinton spent her morning recording an interview with The Breakfast Club, which is Power 105.1’s nationally syndicated hip-hop morning show. That talk will surface on Monday. In the meantime, Clinton popped over to Harlem to play … dominoes?

She also toured a public housing unit for seniors in Harlem.

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Meanwhile, Sanders hopped on a private jet, and he’s being called out for it (after arguing so vehemently for the environment at the debate). Sanders touched down in Vatican City as the first presidential candidate to score such an invitation. He attended a conference to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s “Centesimus Annus.” The Bern delivered a speech about the false idol of money, and here’s a small excerpt from the transcript:

“The widening gaps between the rich and poor, the desperation of the marginalized, the power of corporations over politics, is not a phenomenon of the United States alone. The excesses of the unregulated global economy have caused even more damage in the developing countries. They suffer not only from the boom-bust cycles on Wall Street, but from a world economy that puts profits over pollution, oil companies over climate safety, and arms trade over peace. And as an increasing share of new wealth and income goes to a small fraction of those at the top, fixing this gross inequality has become a central challenge. The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great economic issue of our time, the great political issue of our time, and the great moral issue of our time.”

Here are some photos from the Bern’s arrival in Vatican City. Ex-pats and tourists were on hand to give him a rock-star welcome.

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(Via TIME & Daily Mail)