Seth Meyers: ‘Donald Trump Is The Meryl Streep Of Having Thin Skin’

There’s probably no way that Donald Trump will start listening to the US intelligence community any time soon, unless they are American intelligence officials posing as Russian agents just so Trump will pay attention to his daily briefings. Seth Meyers took advantage of all the recent news around Trump’s lack of impulse control and poor decision making to rib the PEOTUS a bit during the latest “A Closer Look.” In the segment, Seth says that instead of making decisions about the country or holding press conferences, Trump “has continued his habit of tweeting obsessively about some of the least important things you could possibly imagine” such as Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech about him on Sunday night.

The one good thing — and this is still a stretch — about Trump’s random and unnecessary late night tweets are that Seth gets to make jokes about them every night, and that sometimes Kellyanne Conway will find out about her boss’ missives while she is live on air during a FOX News segment. That’s not a position you ever want to find yourself in at a high-paying government job. “My boss is tweeting something? Oh goodness no.”

Trump also recently claimed that the only way to protect information from hackers is to go fully old school and use couriers who deliver hard copy messages. Besides the fact that this would mean “don’t kill the messenger” could become a literal request instead of an idiom after decades upon decades, Trump’s rant against computers did result in the best joke of the segment:

“You could always go full Lannister and communicate by raven! Oh wait. You can’t. I just remembered a Lannister always pays his debts.”

Trump doesn’t tend to target Meyers’ comedy in his 140-word rants, but this Game of Thrones reference may change that soon.