Tomi Lahren Scored A New Job With The Pro-Trump ‘Great America Alliance’

After suing Glenn Beck and the Blaze for wrongful termination and being countersued in return, Tomi Lahren settled, losing all Blaze-related content on her Facebook profile, which won her so many followers. However, Lahren has already lined up her next gig: public relations for a pro-Trump super PAC.

According to The Wrap, Lahren is joining the communications team at the Great American Alliance. The Wall Street Journal‘s Rebecca Ballhaus reported that the role was senior-level.

One can assume this role will allow Lahren to appear on news programs across networks in order to spread the PAC’s messaging. In a statement, Great America Alliance said Lahren would assist on “critical policy battles … including repealing Obamacare and passing pro-growth tax reform” and “will help GAA execute communications and messaging strategies to expand grassroots support of the President’s policies across the country.”

The news of her hiring comes at the perfect time for Lahren. Yesterday, responding to the Notre Dame graduates who walked out on Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement address, Lahren tweeted “Snowflakes think this kind of crap will fly in the real world? Good luck holding a job, kids!”

Reminder: Lahren was fired for expressing an unpopular opinion, and the Internet was happy to remind her of this while filling her mentions with incredulous responses. However and as those new college graduates are sure to discover soon enough, there is no justice in the world, and the Tomi Lahrens of the world will always have new jobs to take and tweets that exhibit zero self-awareness to send.

(via The Wrap)