Trump Lashed Out At The Judicial System And Hillary Clinton After His Latest Travel Ban Was Blocked

On Wednesday, a federal judge in Hawaii froze President Trump’s latest travel ban. The ban, which would temporarily halt the issuance of visas to six Muslim-majority countries, was halted by District Judge Derrick K. Watson, who said “the notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed.”

President Trump was in Nashville, TN, for a celebration rally on Wednesday evening, and on top of promising to get rid of Obamacare and inciting the crowds into yet another chant of “Lock Her Up,” he made time in his speech to condemn the judge’s ruling.

“You don’t think this was done by a judge for political reasons, do you? Noooo. This was ruling makes us look weak. Which by the way, we no longer are. Believe me. Just look at our borders. We’re going to fight this terrible ruling. We’re going to take our case as far it needs to go, including all the way up to the supreme court. We’re going to win. We’re going to keep our citizens safe. And regardless, we’re going to keep our citizens safe, believe me.”

Typically, Trump’s response to any loss is to lash out in anger, so this speech certainly isn’t without precedent. However, his insistence on passing this ban will be fought every single step of the way. On Wednesday afternoon, the ACLU released a statement: “The Constitution has once again put the brakes on President Trump’s disgraceful and discriminatory ban. We are pleased but not surprised by this latest development and will continue working to ensure the Muslim ban never takes effect.”