Renegade Artists Built Tombstones On Trump’s Intended Burial Site

Considering what we know about President Donald Trump, it’s no huge surprise to learn that he’s already thinking about his legacy. He’ll be buried behind the first tee of his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey (he died as he lived), along with his family. Of course, reserving a burial plot is routine for most 70-somethings, but the word being out was sure to catch the attention of the president’s political enemies.
INDECLINE, the secretive artist collective best known for building nude statues of the President and putting them in various U.S. cities, wants to remind Trump that presidents are not remembered by their gravestones, but by their actions. As such, the collective is memorializing all the concepts they argue Trump has attempted to kill. The group — which has chosen to stay in the shadows for obvious reasons — constructed several “tombstones” using 3D printing and other techniques, and then wrote out epitaphs for concepts such as “Decency” and government agencies such as the “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”

The project came complete with a Trump Cemetery sign and a set of gates and was erected on the Trump property overnight, one year after his inauguration. Uproxx was not involved in this action in any capacity, but we have been following the collective on their crusade to ignite conversation around politics and did receive an anonymous delivery of footage.

There will, of course, be discussions of the taste of building a graveyard, or using a proposed grave site, (and the effectiveness or validity of vandalism) to engage in political protest. But there’s no denying that it’s a dramatic way to send a message to a leader who seems to become increasingly polarizing with every day he spends in office.