21 Jump Street Is Already Getting A Sequel

The moderately-anticipated film version of 21 Jump Street doesn’t hit theaters until March 16, but word on the street and Twitters is that people have loved the comedic take on the iconic Fox TV show, and I know this because Channing Tatum Tweets about it nonstop. They should have never taught that mack daddy daddy mack how to access Twitter on his Boost Mobile LG Marquee.

If you’re like me, you’re concerned that the new GI Joe 2: Retaliation trailer makes it seem like Tatum’s character will be killed off early in the film (opinion, not spoiler alert), but thankfully that won’t be the case when he teams up with Jonah Hill again. That’s right, 21 Jump Street is already getting a sequel!

*holds for mild applause*

“We are writing the sequel now. We got [the greenlight] by the studio to start writing the sequel,” Hill told E!.

While some might say that greenlighting a 21 Jump Streetsequel prior to the movie’s national release might be a risky maneuver, there is nothing but optimism attached to the upcoming film. Early screenings of Jump Street SXSW were met with a ton of praise. Hill himself has gone on record to proclaim Jump Street on par with Superbad as among the two funniest movies he has ever done. (Via Hollywood.com)

Despite turning in his first strictly comedic performance in The Dilemma to limited complaints, people are still questioning whether or not our boy C-Tates can deliver full-time as a comedy star, and while I don’t get to see 21 Jump Street until next week, I can already attest that he already turned in one of the most hilarious scenes in any movie this year…

I am proud to announce that The Vow is already my frontrunner for Comedy of the Year. Congrats and fingers crossed for further success, C-Tates!