A very subtle ad for bikini shavers & morning links

Here’s an Italian commercial for the Schick Quattro for women.  It ends with finely trimmed bushes and a girl happily holding her hairless kitty.  I don’t know, it seems a little subtle.  You know this was all Berlusconi’s idea.


Outing Twitter’s 14 most braggardly douchebags. |Uproxx|

Japanese wonder dog rescued three miles out to sea. |UproxxNews|

The Dreaded Hover Hand, Wonder Woman Edition (Plus A SFW Nip Slip). |GammaSquad|

The Ten Most Promising Pilots for Fall 2011 (Plus One Guaranteed Bomb). |WarmingGlow|

If you’re not interested in our interview with Parry Gripp, we can’t be friends. |Frotcast|

KSK Mock Draft: Name the most obnoxious meme. |KSK|

Yankee Uses Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ For AB Music, Hits Homer |WithLeather|

15 Horrible Firsthand Accounts From Charlie Sheen’s First Show In Detroit. Whatever, idiots, you got what you deserved. |Buzzfeed|

Why We Drink: Terry Gilliam Remake Edition. |Pajiba|

Baby bear cubs playing with baby tiger cubs.  |TheDailyWhat|

Mealoaf and Gary Busey got in an argument, and Meatloaf ended up looking like the crazy one. Did NOT see that one coming. |BostonBarstoolSports|

Candace Swanepoel needs to lay off the meth. |WWTDD|

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are back together, both got Shia LaBeouf haircuts. |TheSuperficial|

“Webcam privacy fail” is probably staged, still funny. |HolyTaco|

Eddie Izzard getting a show on FX. |ScreenJunkies|

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