In addition to singing the Paul Walker tribute song every time he sees a camera, Vin Diesel recently said that if the gang comes back for Furious 8 (spoiler alert, the gang is definitely coming back for Furious 8), it will be all because they have to honor Paul Walker’s memory.
From his backstage interview at the MTV Movie Awards:
“The fact that the world embraced it and allowed it to be Paul’s legacy, it’s just a beautiful thing,” Diesel told MTV News backstage at Sunday night’s (April 12) Movie Awards.
It’s so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as The Rock exploding out of his cast by flexing.
“Paul used to say that [‘Fast & Furious’] 8 was guaranteed and, in some ways, when you’re [sic] brother guarantees something, you have to make sure it comes to pass,” Diesel said.
I don’t even know where to begin with that quote. I’m just glad I’m an only child.
“So, if fate has it — fate, F8 — then you’ll get it. ‘Furious 7′ was for Paul; 8 is from Paul.’”
Is it just me, or is Vin Diesel turning into some kind of half-stoned but incredibly self-satisfied Johnny Cochrane? “It must be fate that ‘fate’ and ‘F8’ are cognate, and now you must not deviate.” Can’t you just picture a slow smile creeping across Vin Diesel’s face after everything he says? It’s like nothing cheers up Vin Diesel like Vin Diesel reminding himself that he’s Vin Diesel. “Sorry, y’all. It’s just that Vin Diesel gets misty sometimes thinking about how Vin Diesel he is.”
Speaking to MTV News backstage at the Movie Awards, Johnson said he’s game for another “Fast” film. “I talked to Vin today — we had a nice discussion — and I think whatever it is, whatever we come up with for ‘Furious 8,’ we have to raise the bar, in terms of action, yes, but also in terms of story and character.” [MTV]
How great is it that the pro wrestler of the group comes out sounding like the circumspect one?
THE ROCK: Well if there’s a good script and we can find a workable story, sure!
VIN DIESEL: My brother from another mother Pablo came to me in a dream and told me F8 was my fate. Pablo would’ve wanted this. I want this. America wants this. If you splash NOS above the doorway on the 8th night of 8th month, it will come to pass. *bounds away on stilts*
Dead people are so supportive, aren’t they?