Frotcast 421: How Gender Fluid Is Billy Dee? With Anna Valenzuela And Zack Chapaloni

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We recorded this podcast on Tuesday night, so keep that in mind when you listen to Matt Lieb predict the news cycle of the “Billy Dee Williams is gender fluid” story — none of the stuff he predicts had happened yet! He even anticipated a Jung quote! It’s very impressive. Anyway, this was a fun old school podcast with all of us in the same room cracking wise and having fun just like in the olden days, complete with terrible accents for basically no reason. Our guests this week include comedian Zack Chapaloni and Anna Valenzuela from the Brujaja podcast. Other topics include, encountering “hoes” in the wild, Tomi Lahren’s brand of athleisure wear, Clint Eastwood’s directorial output, “fake news,” people trying to substitute liking fancy sneakers as a personality, and Matt trying to get fired again. Update: Matt has since been fired! Great job, Matt! No one gets fired like you do, buddy.

We finish things off with your emails and voicemails. Don’t forget to subscribe for our bonus content on, and love yourself. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

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