George Clooney Photobombed Steven Spielberg And Jerry Seinfeld At Some Event

This one’s a little old, but it’s just too adorable not to kick off our week with. Last week, a bevy of A-listers and random do-gooders gathered at the USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s 2013 Ambassadors for Humanity gala at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and director Steven Spielberg presented George Clooney with an award for being so awesome at humanity or something like that. While I believe that Clooney only received the honor because he threatened to zap everyone with a laser from his new satellite, it was reported that it was actually because he uses his fame and fortune to try to save the world.

But recognizing excellence in humanity doesn’t have to be entirely serious, and the notorious prankster even took a chance to pull off what the kids call a photobomb on Spielberg and Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld. Oh G-Cloons, between your dashing good looks, love for models 1/3 your age and your vow to destroy evil dictators everywhere, you truly are the world’s most interesting man.

(Image via Getty)