Jury Finds Fieri Lambo Thief Max Wade Guilty of Attempted Murder (UPDATE)

Earlier today I gave you my account of Guy Fieri’s testimony and the closing arguments in the trial of Max Wade, the 19-year-old Marin County kid accused of stealing Fieri’s Lamborghini in March 2011, and the attempted murder of an alleged crush and her boyfriend in April 2013. He was accused of six counts, two of attempted murder, one of firing into an occupied vehicle, burglary, auto theft, and possession of stolen property.

A few minutes ago, he was found guilty on all counts except the attempted murder of Eva Dedier, who was sitting in the passenger seat of her boyfriend Landon Wahlstrom’s Dodge Ram at the time of the shooting. And thus ends the hottest trial in Flavortown. (UPDATE: The jury also voted to acquit on the charge of burglary).

A Marin County jury found Max Wade guilty Wednesday of the attempted murder of a Mill Valley man and the theft of television chef’s Lamborghini. Wade, 19, was also convicted of firing a gun into an occupied vehicle.

He was acquitted of the attempted murder of Eva Dedier, the girl he allegedly desired.

Wade’s parents were present at the hearing before Judge Kelly Simmons.

“I love you baby!” Wade’s mother Leylla cried after the verdict was read.

The verdict was reached after one day of deliberations.

Wade was charged as an adult, even though he was 17 when he was arrested [MarinIndependentJournal]

UPDATE: The jury also voted to acquit on the charge of burglary. Apparently they thought there was enough evidence to convict Wade of the car theft, but not enough to be sure about the burglary itself. The AP got this wrong initially, probably because it’s confusing. [All the stuff in italics is new, as of Wednesday night Pacific Time]

The jury found Wade not guilty of burglarizing British Motors in San Francisco and driving out celebrity chef Guy Fieri’s bright yellow Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder on March 8, 2011. They nevertheless convicted him of auto theft and possession of a stolen vehicle.

Judge Kelly Vieira Simmons ordered Wade to return to court Dec. 17 for sentencing. He could face anywhere from 20 years to life in prison, with parole, according to legal experts.

“We’re not happy with the verdict,” said Dedier’s mother, Cindy, after the verdict was read. “He’s guilty of trying to kill my daughter.” […]

[Defense attorney Charles] Dresow pointed out that a British Motors janitor was inside the dealership shortly before the $220,000 Lamborghini was stolen, possibly instilling doubt in the jurors whether Wade acted alone. The janitor could not be found after the burglary, according to testimony from investigators. [SFGate]

I actually thought Wade would get off on the attempted murder charges. Considering he shot from three feet away and none of the bullets hit below the window line of the truck, where the victims were ducking, I thought intent to kill would be a tough sell. I’m about 60/40 on whether he was actually trying to kill them or just be a tough guy and scare them. It sounds like the jury’s compromise was to acquit him of the one count, maybe based on the lack of evidence that Wade knew she’d even be with Wahlstrom that day.

Half of me thinks he got what he deserved, and the other half can’t help but wonder if the world lost the closest thing we had to a real-life James Bond villain today. I mean, it’s both. (*pours Donkey Sauce out on ground*)

(*plays Max Wade rap song in tribute*) (*sadly plugs ears with fingers*)