Nick Stahl is alive, turns out he was just on drugs

Last week I told you about Terminator 3 actor Nick Stahl, who’d been reported missing by his wife, who hadn’t seen him for almost a week. She said he’d been hanging around Skid Row and “might have gotten into some bad stuff,” which is sort of like saying he was spending all day at the racetrack and you’re worried he might be interested in NASCAR. Anyway, Stahl resurfaced over the weekend, and shock of all shocks, it turns out he was on drugs.

Just a day after telling friends via e-mail he planned to get help and seek treatment, Stahl’s wife Rose confirmed to E! News exclusively that the missing Terminator star checked into rehab Saturday night.

“It’s all good. In the sense the search is over. There is safety and even some comfort now. I left a couple statements because I know my Twitter has few followers and feel its the right thing to let people that have worried and speculated and even set out on foot in search know that it’s ok now,” Rose tweeted. “There are questions and details that I didn’t ask and don’t need to know. I dont have details. Once the missing persons report was released it was overwhelming to have such private information out there. And it wasn’t mostly my private information. I spoke to media at times on behalf of my husband. Mostly when I was at a loss or even panicking. Or feeling defensive. Not a always a great recipe.” -Stahl’s wife, in a statement. [EOnline]

If you’ll remember, Terminator 2 star Edward Furlong previously overdosed on heroin in 2001, and got arrested in 2004 for pulling lobsters out of their tank in a grocery store in Kentucky. I guess the big question now is, which actor from Terminator Salvation is going to be the one who does something weird and goes to rehab? My money’s on Sam Worthington getting kicked out of a cricket match for pissing in people’s beers, yelling “I’m Toruk-Makto!”

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