Robert Downey Jr. Showed Up To An Iron Man 3 Screening For Sandy Volunteers

In case you were unaware, Robert Downey Jr. is pretty much the coolest guy on the face of the planet. At some point between Iron Man and now, he apparently just assumed the identity of Tony Stark and ran with it. Or maybe Tony Stark assumed RDJ’s identity. I’m not really sure, to be honest. But the point is that Downey is pretty f*cking cool. So cool, in fact, that when Iron Man 3 was being screened on Monday for teenagers who volunteered for relief in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, he showed up unannounced to watch with them.

Hey, why can’t I stop hugging my monitor?

He told the crowd, “I just want to say thank you to the… Police Athletic League and all of you folks. I know you’re all here because you’ve been doing something special in the five boroughs, for this great city.

“You’re the future of the nation. I guarantee if you keep doing the right thing, you’re going to be running the joint in a minute.” (Via Contact Music)

And here I was all worried that America would be traded to the Chinese for a list of bad porn site passwords when today’s kids grow up and take over. Hold on… *spends 5 minutes searching random Tumblr sites* Yeah, we’re still doomed.

But at least we have Robert Downey Jr. until then. *total bro swoon*

(GIF via)