Surprise! Nikki Finke Is Threatening People Over A Twitter Parody Account

There’s a funny little story I like to tell at my Hollywood swingers parties on board the Sony Pictures invisible yacht. It’s about the time that I had a fake Ryan Gosling Twitter account and the real Ryan Gosling didn’t like that I had “burgled” his name and he had it shut down, crushing the hearts of 50,000 people with good senses of humor and 1 batshit crazy Italian girl who Tweeted “TOLDJA!” at people every day that she’d get me caught for impersonating Baby Goose. Haha, hey girl, you win at Twitter and life.

And speaking of fake Twitter accounts and “TOLDJA!” baloney, Deadline’s Nikki Finke is apparently freaking out – shocking, I know – over a parody account that mocks her “Don’t f*ck with me” attitude. The account, @NIKKIFINKE, has a bio that pretty much sums up how most people feel about Finke: “Mostly I want to see how it long it takes until Nikki Finke threatens me with a lawsuit.”

And according to David Poland of The Hot Blog – which disappointingly features no GIFs of Olivia Wilde jiggling her boobs – Finke is threatening him, not because he has anything to do with that parody account, but because he retweeted it. So go ahead and add this to her current feuds with Bret Easton Ellis, Gavin Polone, and probably you, for all you know.

I get a kick out of celebrities, or in Finke’s case “celebrities”, who get upset when they’re parodied on Twitter, because it really should be flattering. I mean, Jay Cutler loved mine and Pauly’s Twitter parody account, as he told me via direct message. And sure, now he’s deleted his account and I have no way of drunkenly telling him how we should be best friends at 4 a.m., but I know he still agrees.

As for Finke’s Deadline, this really is a banner day. It was also reported this morning that Deadline owner and billionaire boys’ club poster child Jay Penske was arrested at 2 a.m. with his brother, Mark, when they were caught trying to break into a yacht, and after Jay allegedly tried to pee on a woman. In related news, you’d be in jail on sexual assault charges if you did that because you don’t have a billion dollars.