Tarantino's Coke Wizard Busted for DUI. SAY IT AIN'T SO!

Back when Quentin Tarantino was fist pumping like a champ at the 2010 Oscars, we noticed that there was a white wizard behind Quentin cheering him on. We learned that the White Wizard is an apparition who appears to Quentin when Q does too much cocaine. Later we learned that the wizard also takes the form of Oscar-winning cinematographer Robert Richardson. And it bummed us out to hear that he’d been arrested for DUI Friday night.

Legendary cinematographer Robert Richardson — who has worked on films like “Aviator” and “Hugo” — was arrested Friday night on suspicion of DUI, this according to law enforcement sources.
Our sources tell us … the three-time Oscar winner was driving around Los Angeles last night around 9:25 PM when he was pulled over for a traffic violation.
We’re told the officer on scene smelled alcohol on his breath and asked Richardson to get out of the car to perform field sobriety tests … which, according to our sources, he totally BOMBED. According to our sources, Richardson was then hauled off to the police station where he blew almost TWICE the legal limit.
The dude’s resumé is pretty amazing … he did the cinematography for “Django Unchained,” “Hugo,” “Shutter Island,” “Inglorious Basterds,” “Eat, Pray, Love” “The Horse Whisperer” and “A Few Good Men” … just to name a few. [TMZ]

On serious note, I went to college in southern California and if you can live there for more than 10 years without getting a DUI, it’s an accomplishment. Everything’s spread out and there aren’t any cabs or public transportation, and it’s generally a perfect formula for people having a few drinks and thinking they’re under the limit. On a less serious note, it must be quite a scene trying to arrest a sh*t faced wizard. “ZIM SQUIM ALA KA– sh*t, how’sh a rest a this go? I can’t remember.” Then he throws a lazy smoke bomb and accidentally turns his pants into a frog.

FREE TARANTINO’S COKE WIZARD! He can’t be bound by the lame laws as terrestrial beings! He’s got sweaty filmmakers to inspire!