The Change-Up: Ryan Reynolds & Jason Bateman cross streams, switch bodies

The red-band trailer and poster just hit for The Change-Up, which comes from Wedding Crashers director David Dobkin (don’t tell anyone he directed Fred Claus) and The Hangover writers Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (don’t tell anyone they wrote Four Christmases and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past). It stars Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds as two buds who mysteriously switch bodies while peeing together in a magical fountain one night.  Under the circumstances, I would’ve called it Body Swap Piss Fountain, but Hot Tub Time Machine bombed, so what do I know.   Anyway, Bateman plays a boring handsome married dude, while Reynolds plays a handsome exciting womanizer.  They switch bodies, and wouldn’t you know it, discover that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  The trailer is distinguished by its multiple poop scenes.

Poor Leslie Mann.  Remember when she was all constipated in Knocked Up?  First Paul Rudd, now Jason Bateman — it’s like she’s always playing a chick who’s married to super nice guys, but can’t have sex with them because she’s always pooping.

[poster via /Film, trailer via ComingSoon]