The Spirit stars Josh Hartnett’s mustache now

I saw this trailer for Bunraku the other day and didn’t really think anything of it, mainly because all I could think was, “DAMN YOU, JOSH HARTNETT! OPEN YOUR DAMNED EYES, YOU’RE GOING TO RUN INTO SOMETHING!”

But GammaSquad was able to squint past the squintiness and reveal the real story: this flaming pile cost $25 million and already played the Toronto Film Festival.  It stars a dreadlocked Ron Perlman, looking very Battlefield Earth, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, and Josh Harnett with a cat turd on his lip (maybe that’s why he squints — “Shhh, I think I smell somethin’…”).

In a world with no guns, a mysterious drifter (Hartnett), a young samurai [Gackt], and a bartender (Harrelson) plot revenge against a ruthless leader (Perlman) and his army of thugs of nine diverse and deadly assassins. [GeekTyrant]

I’ve got the trailer below, and it looks less like a movie than a contest to see who can deliver the most self-important monologue while wearing the silliest costume.

HARTNETT: “Come on now, I know you know that ain’t true.  …I can see it in your eyes.”


DEMI MOORE: “You may walk like a cock, and talk like a cock, and look like one too.  But from what I hear, it’s all for compensation.”

Compensation for what?  Not looking like a cock?  Jesus, lady, this is the most back-handed compliment I’ve ever received.

This looks like if Frank Miller made a movie with Troy Duffy.