Watch Klown, a Danish comedy about sex with big ladies

Drafthouse Films just sent over the red-band trailer for Klown, a new comedy they’re releasing from Denmark, and you know when the Danes say red-band, that you’re dealing with more than just a couple swear words. Between Lars von Trier and Gayn*ggers from Outer Space, the Danes don’t get nearly enough credit for being completely crazy. Anyway, check out the NSFW trailer, which is already set to be remade in English by Todd Phillips and Danny McBride. If you see the original first and tell everyone the American version can’t compare, you’ll be the coolest guy at the fair trade coffee co-op.  I don’t want to spoil too much about the trailer, but a full-figured lady definitely gets a finger in her butt.

Also crazy? They spell “clown” with a K! What a world!

Drafthouse Films announces that the acclaimed Danish Comedy KLOWN, “the funniest movie of the year” (Matt Singer, IFC), will open Friday, July 27 in New York, Los Angeles, and Austin as well as on VOD platforms everywhere.

KLOWN, the outrageous international hit comedy, was acquired by Drafthouse Films following its Texas premiere at Fantastic Fest, where it won “Best Picture” in the Comedy Features competition. The film also won “Best Film” at Fantasia. It has recently been tapped for an English language remake with Todd Phillips producing and starring Danny McBride.

Based on a popular six-season television show by the same name, KLOWN, directed by Mikkel Nørgaard, follows two friends, Frank and Casper, as they embark on a canoe trip that thinly veils their true intentions of a weekend of debauchery.  When Frank discovers his girlfriend is pregnant and having doubts about his ability to be a father, Frank “kidnaps” her 12-year-old nephew and brings him along for the ride.  Despite their new impressionable travel companion, Frank and Casper make no changes to their original raunchy itinerary. [Drafthouse Films]

Swearing at children and exposing them to hardcore pornography never gets old to me, so I have high hopes for this.