Five Games: ‘Hyrule Warriors’ And Everything Else You Need To Play This Week

Consoles, PCs, handhelds, Facebook, smartphones — the world of gaming is becoming increasingly confusing and fragmented, but don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you. Each week I’ll rattle off five games I think you might want to check out this week. Keep in mind, these articles aren’t meant to be comprehensive lists of everything coming out that week so much as a nice rounded tasting menu. So, let’s get to it…

This Week’s Hack ‘N’ Slash

Gauntlet (PC, Sept. 23rd)

Yes, the classic Midway hack ‘n’ slash arcade series, Gauntlet is back with an all-new entry. This new version of Gauntlet looks to retain the button mashing gameplay you remember, while adding procedurally generated dungeons to the mix for a bit of a Diablo feel. Here’s the game’s Steam page.

This Week’s Creepy Adventure Game

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PC, Sept. 25th)

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a surprisingly polished new indie horror/adventure game, in which you, as a detective with paranormal powers, have to track down a missing boy in a creepy Twin Peaks-esque town. There’s a good chance this is going to be one of the indies people are talking up big come the end of the year, so get on board now. Here’s the game’s Steam page.

This Week’s “Do Horrible Things To Sheep” Game

Flockers (PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One & PS4, Sept. 23rd)

Flockers, which is coming from the makers of the Worms games, is basically Lemmings except a lot more violent, which is saying something because Lemmings was actually pretty horrific in its own right.

This Week’s Sports Game

FIFA 15 (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 & PS Vita, Sept. 23rd)

Hey Europe, and really pretty much the entire world except the US and Canada — the biggest game of the year is here!

Pick of the Week

Hyrule Warriors (Wii U, Sept. 26th)

Nintendo’s crazy Zelda/Dynasty Warriors mashup arrives this week. Hyrule Warriors looks to be a little more Dynasty Warriors than Zelda, but that’s okay. Sometimes you just want to turn the ol’ brain off and smash thousands of moblins with Ganondorf, or that girl from Twilight Princess who liked bugs, amirite?

A good week, particularly if you like mindlessly smashing things. Any games you’re itching to get your hands on that I failed to mention? Hit the comments and let the world know.