Bob Hoskins Hates “Super Mario Bros.” More Than Anyone?

“Super Mario Brothers” is one of the biggest train wrecks in modern Hollywood. A script rewritten almost daily; four different directors including Roland Joffe, the guy who directed “The Killing Fields”; dozens of injuries, most of them to Bob Hoskins; and allegedly dozens of re-edits. Even if it weren’t an adaptation of the unadaptable, it’d be a mess.

Also, Bob Hoskins, nearly two decades later, still hates it. Which is less than surprising considering he and John Leguizamo basically got wasted every single night during production to get through the experience. How much does he hate it? Here’s a recent interview:

What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?

Super Mario Brothers.

What has been your biggest disappointment?

Super Mario Brothers.

If you could edit your past, what would you change?

I wouldn’t do Super Mario Brothers.

So…no sequel?

[ via the ’90s fans at Kotaku ]