Meet All The Heroes In A Half Shell In The Newest ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Trailer

The newest trailer has arrived for the Michael Bay produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot and it’s either the coolest thing your ten-year-old cousin will ever see or it’s the ruination of everything that made your 35-year-old cousin the manchild he is today. It also provides the best glimpse yet at the full group of turtles, complete with gear, weapons and colorful bandanas to tell them apart and give them character depth.

Also included is the first real look at William Fichtner’s Shredder and his pretty bad ass suit. I don’t think anyone could find a way to complain about that, but go ahead and surprise me. The turtles still might look weird, but I don’t think this is going to be the gigantic turd that everyone online wants to make it out to be.

(Via Paramount / Jo Blo)