‘Final Fantasy XV’ Looks Breathtaking And Brotastic in 40 Minutes Of New Gameplay Footage


March 17 marks the release of Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae, the massive demo that will probably be longer and more substantial than a lot of full games. I’m side-eyeing you, The Order: 1886. To celebrate, Square-Enix showed off 40 minutes of new footage from the demo, and wowsers. This is what I bought a PS4 for.

The demo features a lot of running around in the beautiful and amazingly solid world of Final Fantasy XV (the almost total lack up pop-up is so refreshing) and a nice deep dive into the game’s battle system. I didn’t quite catch all the nuance because the video is in Japanese, but the battle system looks fast-paced and fun.

Now the bad news: While the demo will be out soon, Square-Enix said that the full version of Final Fantasy XV is only 60 percent done. Last September, they said it was 55 percent done, so don’t expect the full game any time particularly soon.

Via DualShockers