Keeping Cancer Sexy: Superheroines Self-Examine Their Breasts

Maísa Chaves made four Superhero-themed breast cancer awareness ads for the DDB Mozambique agency with funding from the Associação da Luta Contra o Cancer (ALCC) in Mozambique. The ad features Wonder Woman, She Hulk, Storm, and Catwoman giving themselves breast exams, and feel free to nerd rage out in the comments that Wonder Woman and She Hulk are immune to the illness.

I’m not sure if their faces (save for the pouty mouths) are left out to try to circumvent licensing fees, or if this is just yet another example of female superheroes being objectified. It’s a little bit creepy, and yet I’m compelled to post the pictures after the jump anyway because boobs.

The ads read: “Nobody’s immune to breast cancer. When we talk about breast cancer, there’s no women or superwomen. Everybody has to do the self-examination monthly. Fight with us against the enemy and, when in doubt, talk with your doctor.

Fair enough, DDB Mozambique, now get moving on that testicular cancer awareness ad staring a fondle-happy Batman and Wolverine. And a campaign where Superman gives Aquaman a prostate exam with his X-ray vision. Yeah, that last one might have gone too far, but only because it’s based on the assumption that anyone would care about Aquaman.

Full-sized pictures available at copyranter and Maísa Chaves’ Deviant Art page.