‘Fallout’ Fan Builds His Own Fully Functional Pip-Boy

While the smartwatch is currently struggling to be more than a niche product, Fallout fans are eagerly awaiting Fallout 4, which will ship with the franchise’s own version, the Pip-Boy. One enterprising fan, though, beat them to the punch with a Pip-Boy he built for a friend.

Redditor TheMCV shows off some fairly impressive design skills in the photos and videos of this build. The Pip-Boy itself has an operating system designed by another fan and powered by Linux, and uses a Raspberry Pi to load the screen; if you incorporate the right API, it will even load a map of your location. To run the Pip-Boy, the various components are hidden inside a Vault jumpsuit and belt; the processor and two battery packs are wired to it through the arm.

Okay, so it’s not quite the fully functional wrist computer of video game lore, but it’s an effective, well-designed effort packed with good sculpting and nice touches. Besides, his is much more sleek than Bethesda’s, which essentially demands you ram your phone in to work. Maybe if they offer enough bottle caps, he’ll come in and give it a redesign.

(Via Reddit)