Bryan Cranston Brings The Danger In Five New Clips From ‘Godzilla’

Following up on the “let them fight” clip from Godzilla comes five more clips, which we can sum up by saying: holy sh*t, Bryan Cranston. That is some gravitas in the first clip below, from Cranston and from Ken Watanabe, both of whom can say more in one glance than Brett Ratner’s conveyed in his entire career. (Yeah, I’m still angry.)

The other four clips are worth checking out as well. In the second one, we see an extended version of Watanabe and David Strathairn’s dialogue in the “let them fight” clip. In the third clip, Strathairn expounds upon the MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Object) which will be fighting Godzilla.

The last two clips show why Cranston was so angry in the first clip and sets up the stakes for Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s character, who’s trying to get into the city to find his family. If this is anything like when my family gets separated in a Walmart, he’ll just be wandering around looking for them while they’re also wandering around looking for him and perpetually missing each other. If everybody would just go to the patio furniture section and sit down, this could all be avoided, but does anybody listen to me? Nooooo. Just keep pacing about. See if I care when Godzilla eats you.

Finally, here are two new pictures of Godzilla, who is being called fat by some people in Japan even though we all know real MUTOs have curves.

Godzilla opens May 16th.

Via CBM and ONTD