Five New Clips From Zombie Romance ‘Warm Bodies’ Show Us What They’re Working With

Summit Entertainment released several new clips from zombie romance Warm Bodies, staring Nicholas Hoult as a zombie who wants to watch a non-zombie woman shake dat ass.

About A Boy is still the first thing I think of whenever Nicholas Hoult is in a movie. I’ll try to move on and talk about Warm Bodies from here on out.

The movie opens February 1st and Walking Dead also comes back next month. February is going to be awesome for zombie lovers.

Judging from the great first trailer and the additional clips, it appears director Jonathan Levine (50/50) kept it humorous while making the regular zombies sympathetic. The first clip below especially shows that sympathetic nature, while the last clip sets up the skeletal zombies as the true villains. Whoa. At what point did we start feeling sympathy for a zombie? Show me on the doll.

[Sources: The Playlist and Coming Soon]