‘Ask Drew’ tackles ‘Star Wars’ rumors and guilty pleasures

This week's “Ask Drew” includes a moment I suspected would happen at some point, and now that it has, I'll address it here.

I don't like the answer I gave to one of the questions. I don't think it's a bad answer, but it's not the right answer. On the way home, I thought of a far more appropriate response, and so I feel like I owe it to the person who sent the question in the first place. Basically, he asked me if there are any truly bad films that I love. I sort of dismissed the idea of “guilty pleasures” and then talked a little bit about “Buckaroo Banzai,” but I think that's sort of me dodging the question.

There are terrible movies I love. I think “Hudson Hawk” is a train wreck. I don't think I can defend it at all. It makes me laugh like a maniac in places, and I think it's a fascinating look at what happens when no one has the balls to say no to a movie star. I also really like “Nothing But Trouble,” another undeniably terrible movie. I have been a Dan Aykroyd fan since I was nine, and there is so much of his identity tangled up in “Nothing But Trouble” that I find it really interesting to study. There are so many ways that film is off the rails, but it also ends up being a really unusual ride through the mind of one of comedy's great mutants.

So there. I'm officially calling myself out for botching an answer. That's a distinct possibility with a show like this. And for those of you who are enjoying all the recent “Star Wars” rumors, I think it's great that JJ Abrams has had a good sense of humor about the leaked photos of the Millennium Falcon under construction:


I love that you guys are sending in tons of questions for the show every time. I'm sorry we can't answer all of them, but keep trying if you've got something important you want answered. You need to send it to video@hitfix.com. That way, I won't see it and they'll be able to pick the ones they want each episode.

I'm on the road a lot this month. I'm in London for a week, and then I'm in Hong Kong for a week, so we'll try to schedule these tapings to work around that. Right now, we're set to shoot again on the 14th. That's a Saturday. So you've got until Friday the 13th to send me your questions.

I thought this episode's “Movie God” was pretty great, and I love that you guys send in really thoughtful suggestions for the game.

We couldn't make the show without you, so I certainly hope you're enjoying the end result.