‘Big Bang Theory’s’ Mayim Bialik: ‘I didn’t think anyone would care’ about my opinions

LOS ANGELES – After taking a break from the spotlight for over a decade, former “Blossom” star Mayim Bialik came back in a big way when she won a role on what would become TV's No. 1 show: CBS's “The Big Bang Theory.” Of course, Bialik's renewed fame also brought with it an increased interest in her personal views – something the star herself didn't expect.

“I didn't know people would care about anything,” she said of the publicity surrounding her advocacy of attachment parenting and other issues. “But you know, the publicity world is such that everything's out there. I write for this website Kveller, and I wrote for them before I became famous again, and I was taught as a writer that you write what's true, and you write what's honest. And it's expanded places I didn't anticipate.”

Also, talk about irony: though she stars on a wildly-popular sitcom, Bialik herself doesn't watch television. Hear her thoughts on this seeming incongruity in the video above.