Cable Is Sticking Around For Three More ‘Deadpool’ Movies

cable returning deadpool movies

It’s possible, but extremely unlikely that we’ll see Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe any time soon, so for now, we’ll have to settle for Thanos trading barbs with the Merc with the Mouth. Josh Brolin stars in both Avengers: Infinity War this month and Deadpool 2 next month, and as he revealed in an interview with Empire, he’ll also be in X-Force, Deadpool 3, and Deadpool 4.

“We think about it in four movie terms,” the Sicario: Day of the Soldado star said. “We tried to think of Cable as a full arc, not just in this movie, but in the trajectory of four films. That made it a lot more fun for me.” Four films, from Guardians of the Galaxy to Avengers 4, is also how long Brolin will have played Thanos (who’s finally off his floating space-chair), and not a single movie more.

“I don’t like the idea of a franchise, personally,” Brolin said. “That’s what makes the Thanos thing really great. It’s a finite thing, and I like that.” His comments all but confirms that — spoiler alert? — Thanos will be defeated in Avengers 4, making way for another Big Bad to terrorize the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Although at this rate, the next supervillain will also be played by Josh Brolin.

(Via The Playlist)