Cosplay Spotlight – Metroid’s Samus by Yukilefay

Cosplay is the art of dressing up as one of your favorite fictional characters. It can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. But some cosplayers go above and beyond! Every Tuesday, we feature one of these dedicated hobbyists, along with some information about their chosen cosplay.

This week the spotlight is on Yukilefay and her insanely detailed Samus costume.

What's your name?

Thais, but you can call me Yuki!

What made you want to cosplay as this?

Samus is one of the strongest female characters in video games. I really love the fact we only find out she's a woman at the end of the first Metroid game, showing that a character”s gender shouldn't be a problem for any player.

How long did it take to create the costume?

Six months.

How much did it cost?

It cost me around $350 just in materials. Everything was handmade by me, my friends, and family.

Do you have favorite comic-con memory from this cosplay?

I have many favorite moments, but one of my favorites was when I met Charles Martinet, the voice actor of Mario! That was great!!

If you know someone who should be featured in our Cosplay Spotlight, email your nominee to!