12 Funniest Reactions To ‘Game Of Thrones’ Purple Wedding

SPOILERS BELOW, obviously.

Last night's HBO episode of 'Game of Thrones,' aptly titled 'The Lion and The Rose,' featured the second on screen royal wedding to occur in Westeros. Like any major event in the Seven Kingdoms, things did not go as expected. But for once, George R.R. Martin took pity on his fans and instead of a horror, he gave them a gift.

There was much rejoicing among the Internet, and we collected a few of the best and funniest reactions to come out of this joyous 'purple wedding.' Some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this. 

#1 – If this isn't a viral YouTube video this summer, then I don't even know if y'all are trying.

#2 – Even (fake) Peter Dinklage knew last night was a once in a lifetime event.


Need more? After the jump, see ten more exuberantly festive reactions to the end of a era!