The Many Ways Wes Anderson Ruined Our Lives

Today is Wes Anderson”s 46th birthday, so to celebrate, it seems only fair that I outline the major ways he has ruined the lives of the millennial generation and our culture.

1.He made us uncool.
When we were in high school and our friend would quote Margot Tenenbaum, we had no idea what she was referring to, and felt helplessly uncool.

2. He created a new level of Halloween costume anxiety
At any given Halloween party there will now always be that adorable couple that shows up together as Margot and Richie or two kids in red track suits or Sam and Suzy, or Steve Zissou”s crew in blue jumpsuits and red beanies. These costumes stand out as creative and cinematic and smart, even though they”re very simple to think up, and kind of overplayed at this point.

3. He made everyone start wearing red beanies
Whether it”s Halloween or not, “The Life Aquatic” marked the beginning of the red beanie trend. I know it”s hard to understand this logic but: just because it works on Bill Murray doesn”t mean it”s going to work on you. The red beanie made 2004 a difficult year, suddenly hipsters everywhere became an army of Zissou worshipers, and it was frightening.

4. He inspired everyone to start drinking Darjeeling tea
Right? Maybe not…

5. He stole from J.D Salinger and got away with it
Everybody knows that the Tenenbaum family was modeled after the Glass family of Salinger”s Franny & Zooey, 9 Stories, and Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters & Seymour, an Introduction. The Glass family are a troubled, theatrical, and unhealthily brilliant bunch. Wes Anderson took that family, altered them slightly, and translated them onto the big screen for us to watch. The result was delightful and iconic. It was actually a lovely way to bring a literary family to life. Thank you for this one, Wes!

Anyway, Wes Anderson is one of the most prolific and important directors of our time. He tells untold stories with a highly personal style, and I am looking forward to the countless ways he will be ruining our lives in the years to come.

Happy Birthday, Wes Anderson!!!