Here’s what’s working about ‘Warcraft’

Duncan Jones' Warcraft is heading into its second weekend in the United States, after a somewhat lackluster domestic debut. Though the film has already earned $280 million in foreign box office sales

In very broad terms, fans of the Blizzard Entertainment game are responding enthusiastically to the adaptation, while critics have been left wanting more. (Warcraft has 26% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.) 

There is one aspect of Warcraft that few have mentioned but bears pulling out.

Here's what Warcraft is getting right (in addition to satisfying fans): It's created an inclusive universe in a very organic way. In Paula Patton (Garona) and Ruth Negga (Lady Taria) it has two women of color in leading roles. Additionally, the film includes a bi-racial family that doesn't require explanation nor calling out. Lady Taria is sister to Travis Fimmel's Lothar.

Perhaps most refreshing of all is that these are two very distinct female characters, yet both are heroic and strong. Patton's Orc is very much a warrior, while Negga is a gentle but savvy Queen who moves to save her people with alliances and compassionate — but smart — power moves. 

Donna Dickens and Roth Cornet discuss what Jones' film got right in the video at the top of this page or below.

Take a look and chat with us here or on Twitter.

Roth: @RothCornet

Donna: @DonnaDickens

Warcraft is in theaters now.