Lucy Lawless just made the greatest ‘Xena’ reboot pitch ever

Nobody — and I mean nobody — wants a “Xena: Warrior Princess” reboot more than Lucy Lawless.

The HitFix Heroes vs. Villains queen for two years running stopped by to chat with us at San Diego Comic Con about her new Starz series “Ash vs. Evil Dead,” and in the process made what may go down as the greatest “Xena” revival pitch of all time.

“I don't know what the holdup is,” said Lawless, clearly passionate about her most famous role after all these years. “It's about who's got the rights [to the series]. But that's a piss poor excuse anymore. I think they just…find who's got the rights. Freakin' pay it. It's better to have 80 percent of something than 100 percent of nothing. Don't waste this opportunity. Reinvigorate that franchise…They're fools not to bring it back.”

Strong words indeed — and we would expect no less from our Warrior Princess. Watch the full rant above, along with Lawless's thoughts on the original “Evil Dead” movie (“I walked out after five minutes saying 'the people who made this are sick, misogynistic creeps, they should be in prison”) and her character Ruby, who has Bruce Campbell's Ash in her sights — and not in a good way.

“Ash vs. Evil Dead” premieres October 31 on Starz. Watch the Comic Con trailer below.