Last year the Broadcast Film Critics Organization initiated a new award, the Music + Film Award, which went to Quentin Tarantino. The honor is meant to recognize filmmakers who have heightened the impact of films through the use of source or original music. Tarantino was a decent enough inaugural winner, but when you think of this kind of thing, how can you think of anyone other than Scorsese? The list of iconic scenes he has set to popular music is endless, and the synthesis of the two has been a hallmark of his work since day one. So good on the BFCA for going there this year. It’s an obvious pick, but a brilliant one, nevertheless. Humble suggestion for next year’s recipient: Cameron Crowe. [The Odds]
Anne Thompson sits down with “Young Adult” director Jason Reitman. [Thompson on Hollywood]
David Poland sits down with “Pina” director Wim Wenders. [Hot Blog]
Trent Reznor makes a 35 minute sampler of his and Atticus Ross’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” score available for download. [NIN]
Emma Stone and Octavia Spencer on “The Help,” its impact and its critics. [Entertainment Weekly]
Donna Freydkin sits down with “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” stars Gary Oldman and Colin Firth. [USA Today]
Sending up the Rudin/Denby thing for the 20 people who get the joke. [Oscar Speak Podcast]
Accusing “The Muppets” of being “aimed at planting the seeds of class warfare among our precious children.” Yikes. [The Wrap]
Gregory Ellwood reports from the New York premiere of “War Horse.” [Awards Campaign]
Rounding up the year’s award-worthy actors, from George Clooney to Christopher Plummer. [Hollywood Reporter]