‘Peter Pan Live!’s’ ratings down 51% from ‘Sound of Music Live!’

“Peter Pan Live!”s” ratings down 51% from “Sound of Music Live!”
About 9.1 million watched Allison Williams as Pan last night (down from 18.6 million for “Sound of Music”). Nevertheless, NBC Entertainment boss Robert Greenblatt says: “We didn”t expect to reach the same rating as 'The Sound of Music' since that was the first live movie event of its kind in over 50 years.” PLUS: Blame the ratings drop on lack of Carrie Underwood and Cowboys vs. Bears on NFL Network.

“Peter Pan Live!” didn”t provide enough fodder for the haters
“The show went off Thursday night without any major hitch or clunky notes – and was far more entertaining and certainly more endurable than its zombie predecessor, last year”s 'The Sound of Music Live!” says Hank Stuever. “The worst thing you could say about “Peter Pan Live!” was that it was a lousy hate-watch and, thus, a tiny bit boring.” PLUS: In defense of hate-watching, it doesn”t matter if it was good or not, Allison Williams ruined hate-watching, it was an oddly ponderous, disconnected, disjointed and jerky mess, even the snark was positive, the production was too slick to be magical, read the funniest tweets, and Christopher Walken was barely trying.

“The Simpsons” does a “Frozen” couch gag
Check out “The Couch Gag Before Christmas.”

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“Stolie”!: Jon Stewart imagines ending up with former co-star Angelina Jolie
Stewart and Jolie starred in the 1998 film “Playing By Heart.” “Ever since I met you about 20 years ago on set, I thought, 'This person has talent coming out of everywhere,”” Stewart told Jolie on last night”s “Daily Show.” PLUS: Stewart introduces new “Daily Show” contributor Trevor Noah from South Africa.

Jimmy Kimmel challenges Ryan Seacrest to sit still for 1 minute
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“Reign” boss defends last night”s controversial scene
More than 1,000 fans signed a petition against that shocking scene near the end of last night”s episode.

Watch Taylor Swift and Ryan Seacrest attempt to kiss in a “New Year”s Rockin” Eve” promo
“Here you are America, we”re going to give you exactly what you want,”
Swift says. PLUS: Elton John will perform on “New Year”s Rockin” Eve.”

Netflix producing a Nina Simone documentary
“What Happened, Miss Simone?” is form Oscar-nominated filmmaker Liz Garbus.

How soon is too soon for Joan Rivers impersonators?
Rivers impersonator Linda Axelrod thought about quitting when Rivers died, but she has since resumed impersonating Joan.

Joan Chen: I”d love to return to “Twin Peaks”
“Isn't (David Lynch) directing the entire series?” she asks. “It would be great. I loved that world. With Netflix streaming, with all the streaming possibilities, there is a new generation of 'Twin Peaks' fans. I would like to come out of the doorknob.”