Schwarzenegger excited be back for ‘Terminator’ reboot

(CBR) Arnold Schwarzenegger is back – well, almost back, returning to his iconic role as the T-800 for director Alan Taylor”s upcoming “Terminator Genesis”, which stars the likes of Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney.

During a recent festival appearance, Schwarzenegger said he expects to begin production on the new “Terminator” movie shortly: “I”m really looking forward to that because as you know, the last time when they did the Terminator, it was when I was Governor and so I couldn”t be in that movie but now I”m back again and they are very excited about having me in the film.”

“The script is fantastic,” he added, “so I”m really looking forward to this film.”

In other “Terminator” news, it appears that Schwarzenegger isn”t the only returning player in the mix. Moviehole has a somewhat spoilery report on a bunch of different characters we might see in “Genesis”, including roles and stories that were originated in the first two “Terminator” films. It appears that “Genesis” might take a page out of J.J. Abrams” “Star Trek” reboot and revisit some of the franchise”s most classic characters and scenes.

Read the full report for all of the details, but again, read at your own risk; if the report is accurate, there are some significant spoilers ahead.

“Terminator: Genesis” is due out on July 1, 2015.