5 Mad Men Couples Never Meant To Be

Every Sunday I watch “Mad Men” with my sister Natasha who is obsessed with the show. She has a “no speaking” rule while it”s on, and she”s against hearing anyone”s theories on what might happen. She doesn”t even like hearing what people thought about an episode, the whole thing is just too sacred to her. What she does love discussing, however, something light enough, is “who”s going to date who?!”. For years she”s wondered if Don and Peggy will date, if Don and Betty will get back together, if Roger and Joan will end up together. Now, we”re down to one episode left and (sadly) I am not Matt Weiner and therefore can”t tell you if any of these things are going to happen. So, instead, let”s look at the couples of “Mad Men” that never happened, the lovers who were never meant to be:

1. Don and Joan

Don is hot, Joan is hot, you”d think these two might have gotten together sometime. That never happened because Don is a womanizer and tends to not sleep with women who he respects, and he has the utmost respect for Joan. Also, she loves Roger.

2. Peter and Meredith

Considering his thing for sweet-looking secretaries, I bet Peter at least wanted to sleep with Meredith. The reason this wasn”t meant to happen: she is a no-nonsense kind of lady who knows her worth, and he is an all-nonsense weasel who isn”t very appealing. Side note: Vincent Kartheiser is hot just not when he plays Peter Campbell.

3. Betty and Glen

Well, well, well, bet you didn”t see this one coming. Betty and Glen have always had a confusing though deep love for each other. Whatever went on between them was so subtle that I don”t think even they understand the feelings that exist there. Why this never happened: Betty is a grown woman and Glen is a child, and this isn”t Game of Thrones.

4. Sally and Glen

Like Glen, Sally is also a child. The two of them would have made a cute little couple. Why this wasn”t meant to happen: See above (he”s in love with her mom in a really weird way).

5. Don and Roger

Both handsome men, both brilliant in ways that compliment each other. Neither have an amazing track-record with women. I would have been happy to see them move in together and maybe live the alternative lifestyle Roger encountered through his daughter earlier in the season. Why this wasn”t meant to happen: if Don and Roger were gay it would be a completely different show. Can someone write that version, though? A sort of “Mad Men” meets “The Odd Couple” type of thing?

Sunday night will be the last time my sister makes me be quiet while she watches this masterpiece unfold, and the last chance for any of these characters to fall in love/walk off into the sunset. Who will it be? Cast your vote for a chance to be almost certainly wrong!