Six forgotten superheroes from Marvel’s golden age

(CBR) Before Spider-Man, before the Fantastic Four, before even Captain America, Marvel was creating superheroes. Sure, the publisher went by Timely rather than Marvel, but it had costumed heroes – in spades. Some, like Namor, Ka-Zar and the Human Torch, were dusted off years later as memorable guest stars in other books or for trivial flashback appearances, but these veterans of the publisher”s first experiments ith the superhero genre are largely forgotten anecdotes in the publisher”s path to greatness. For some, it”s unfortunate – but for others, it”s perhaps for the best.

In this installment of ROBOT 6′s Six by 6, we cherry-pick six heroes of the late 1930s and early 1940s that didn”t fare as well as Captain America or the Sub-Mariner, and talk about when they have popped up since and why some have never been seen again