Ben Carson Opted Not To Serve In Trump’s Cabinet Because ‘He Has No Government Experience’

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An ally close to Ben Carson told The Hill that he is (surprisingly?) not interested in serving in Donald Trump’s cabinet. Armstrong Williams, who acts as Carson’s business manager, said the former presidential hopeful would still continue as an unofficial advisor for the president-elect.

Carson was one of the first Republican primary candidates to support Trump after he backed out of the race in March. Since then, he has been seen as a close confidant and surrogate for The Donald, and a prime cabinet position appointment seemed to be on the horizon. But Carson, who is a retired neurosurgeon, seems to think he didn’t have the experience necessary to work in federal government. Williams told The Hill that Carson was not offered a position, but he was considered for one and wasn’t interested:

“Dr. Carson was never offered a specific position, but everything was open to him. Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”

Carson was possibly being considered as a candidate for Secretary of Health and Human Services and Secretary of Education, as reported by The Hill. The admission is somewhat surprising, as Carson did try to run for federal office earlier this year. Despite passing on joining the Trump administration, he still has the Donald’s back. Carson has acted as a willing surrogate for him, and Williams even defended Trump over the hot-mic Access Hollywood tape. Regardless of Carson’s interest, the Trump White House is taking shape.

(Via The Hill & The Washington Post)