China Tells The U.S. To Take A ‘Cool-Headed’ Approach When It Comes To North Korea Relations

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The U.S. has flexed its muscles concerning North Korea recently, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson saying they wouldn’t rule out any preemptive action if North Korea continues its nuclear missile programs. But China is telling the U.S. to pump the brakes according to CNN and that a “cool-headed” diplomatic approach may be best for the situation.

Tillerson met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday to discuss a number of issues, including North Korea’s nuclear missile program. The country has been ramping up its missile tests since the start of the year and the U.S. is let down China has — as Donald Trump tweeted — done “little to help.” with the situation. China has stood by their ally, though, notifying the U.S. they could threaten an arms race if things get too hostile.

Additionally, Wang counteracted the Trump administration’s assertion, saying not all the pressure should be put on China. He noted that his nation has tried to ease relations between the two countries but stressed that at the end of the day, it is a dispute between the U.S. and North Korea. Wang offered that taking a step back and having a level headed approach may be best, adding, “We hope that all parties, including our friends from the United States, could size up the situation in a cool-headed and comprehensive fashion and arrive at a wise decision.”

Tillerson did say the U.S. needs a “new approach” to deal with North Korea as past tactics seemed to not have worked and this may be it. But the U.S. has now taken a tougher stance when it comes to North Korea, which CNN reports may be a way for the U.S. to push China into getting more involved. Tillerson is set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, which may offer new insight into the U.S.’ dealings with North Korea.

(Via CNN & BBC News)