Kellyanne Conway Pushes Back On The ‘Trumpcare’ Nickname For The GOP Healthcare Bill

Donald Trump’s campaign promises about appealing Obamacare have led to the now-in-process GOP healthcare bill, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), so folks are already using “Trumpcare” while referring to the plan. However, the Donald may not be eager to put his name on the plan, and Kellyanne Conway told Fox News that the White House isn’t calling it Trumpcare. Conway emphasized that it was the press calling it Trumpcare, not the administration, although he’s got his fingerprints all over it:

“I’ll call it ‘TrumpCare’ if you want to, but I didn’t hear President Trump say to any of us, ‘Hey, I want my name on that.’ We’re happy it’s the American Health Care Act. This is serious stuff; it’s not about branding according to someone’s name. The President and Vice President are all in here. This is the American Health Care Act, and it has their imprimatur, and they are working on this more than anything day by day.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price seemed to echo Conway’s sentiment as he referred to the AHCA as “Patientcare” on Tuesday. Others, including White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, haven’t weighed in yet. But some Republicans, such as Senator Rand Paul, have noticed similarities between the GOP’s new plan and the old one and have been referring to it as Obamacare 2.0 and Obamacare Lite.

Conway’s hesitation comes as a bit of a surprise, as Trump never seems ashamed to do a little self-promotion. From steaks to golf courses, Trump seems pretty proud to stamp his name on something that will make a few bucks. Perhaps Trump is wary of the plan’s shaky rollout and wants to safeguard his “presidential” name if the plan doesn’t succeed.

(Via Fox News, NBC News & New York Daily News)