On the heels of Gretchen Carlson’s first public interview since accusing former boss Roger Ailes of sexual harassment, more Fox News employees are coming to Ailes’ defense. The latest talking head to speak up is Geraldo Rivera, who always provides a wealth of good sound bites.
Rivera took to his Twitter page to defend Ailes, but his metaphor was a bit confusing to say the least:
I've known him 40 years. He's about as flirty as the grizzly in #TheRevenant. I stand with Roger Ailes
— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) July 13, 2016
That’s … well, it’s something. It may not have been the best comparison, as the relationship between the bear and Leonardo DiCaprio in the film has been analyzed as anything but consensual. The Internet, as it always does, shot back at Rivera questioning his choice of words:
.@GeraldoRivera Should the comparison be to something that *doesn't* look like it's raping Leonardo DiCaprio?
— Kate Aurthur (@KateAurthur) July 13, 2016
. @GeraldoRivera If a figure of unimpeachable integrity such as yourself says he's cool then he must be a saint. #CaseClosed
— Nathan Rabin (@nathanrabin) July 13, 2016
See, there's the problem. One is not being "flirty" when sexually harassing someone. One is being a predator. Like a grizzly.
— (((Sarah))) (she/her/hers) (@schubie71) July 13, 2016
A number of Fox News hosts have come to Ailes’ aid, and Fox News has released evidence to support their claims Carlson was filing a frivolous lawsuit. Up until Tuesday, Carlson has remained quiet about the topic. In an interview with The New York Times, Carlson said the Fox News culture was intimidating, and her dismissal from the company was a bit shocking. She contends her refusal to have a “sexual relationship” with Ailes led to her outing:
“It was cold and calculating. It took 30 seconds, there was no ‘Thank you for your service of 11 years,’ and there was absolutely no discussion of ratings … Everyone knew how powerful Roger Ailes was. I certainly felt intimidated by that.”
Carlson is not the only one who has accused Ailes of sexual harassment. A number of women have come forward the past few weeks to allege similar behavior against the Fox News CEO.