Hillary Clinton Makes A Public Appearance And Says She’s ‘Ready To Come Out Of The Woods’

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After stepping out of the national spotlight for a bit, Hillary Clinton said she’s gearing up for a comeback. During an appearance at the Society for Irish Women’s annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner in Scranton, Pennsylvania on Friday, Clinton said she wants to play a role in the political landscape and that she’s “ready to come out of the woods.”

Out a few wilderness sightings and her appearance at Donald Trump’s inauguration, Clinton has kept a relatively low profile. She’s still part of the American zeitgeist, but after a contentious campaign and election season, you can’t blame her for wanting to partake in a little rest and relaxation. But her self-imposed exile looks to be over, as she said Friday in her father’s hometown of Scranton she wants to help bring the country together:

“I am ready to come out of the woods and to shine a light on what’s already happening around kitchen tables at dinners like this to help draw strength to enable everyone to keep going, that’s the spirit of Scranton. I’m like a lot of my friends right now, I have a hard time watching the news. I do not believe that we can let political divides harden into personal divides. And we can’t just ignore, or turn a cold shoulder to someone because they disagree with us politically.”

What she will actually do in politics has yet to be announced, but AOL reported she is considering running for mayor of New York City and Friday may have been her coming out party. The Hillary Clinton comeback tour is afoot.

(Via AOL)