Howard Stern: Anne Frank’s Dad ‘Could Have Taken A Few Nazis Out’ If He’d Had A Gun

Stern Debuts On Sirius Radio
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Famous shock jock Howard Stern inked a sweet new deal with SiriusXM back in December that, among other things, guaranteed his voice would remain live on the air through 2020. Of course this is Stern we’re talking about, so that doesn’t mean he won’t try his best to test the limits of the subscriber-based company’s resolve. Like when, during a special Wednesday show dedicated to the tragic mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the disc jockey unleashed an anti-gun control rant spurred by the efforts of Senator Chris Murphy’s (D-Connecticut) filibuster.

“I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down, but I can’t believe these people who come out afterwards and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the public,” Stern began, adding: “It’s f*cking mind-blowing to me.”

He then went on to use a convoluted metaphor in which unarmed citizens were “sheep,” armed terrorists were “wolves,” and armed police, members of the military, and first responders were “sheepdogs.” The explanation, borrowed from the common parlance among Navy SEALs (according to Stern, he reads “a lot of Navy SEALs sh*t”), comes off as derogatory — especially to anyone described as sheep. But, the host argued, that wasn’t his intention. Instead, he meant to use the analogy in order to explain why strict gun control and things like gun-free zones are all just a bunch of bad ideas.

Like in Paris, France — the site of last November’s horrific terrorist attack — where “they have the tightest gun control laws on the planet.” Despite these measures, however, Stern argued “the terrorists all had AR-15,” “glocks,” “every kind of pistol,” and many otherwise illegal or restricted weapons at their disposal. Or “the most gun-free zone on the planet,” the interiors of all the planes used to attack the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. “You know you can’t get a gun on a plane,” quipped Stern, “it’s completely gun-free.”

Yet the radio personality saved his best bit for last, when he took a page out of former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s book. And yes, I’m talking about that time Carson posed questions about what could’ve happened if the Jews suffering under Nazi persecution had been armed:

Can you imagine if the Jews, at least when the Nazis were banging on the door, if they had a couple of pistols and AR-15s to fight the Nazis? If Anne Frank’s father had a f*cking gun? Maybe at least he could’ve taken a few Nazis out.

Needless to say, the National Rifle Association is a big fan of Stern’s rant:

Check out Stern’s comments below:

(Via Mediaite)