Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are being greeted by an unflattering NBC News report as they settle back in America following their recent trip abroad alongside Donald Trump.
NBC News has spoken with multiple U.S. officials who reveal that Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and Trump administration senior advisor, is “under FBI scrutiny” as part of the investigation into Russia. The officials note that Kushner isn’t being investigated in the same manner as Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn who are the subjects of the investigation and have had records demanded by grand jury subpoenas according to NBC. Investigators believe Kushner has relevant information, but there’s nothing suggesting that they suspect Kushner of a crime or that they plan on charging him.
It hasn’t been shared what specifically has drawn investigators to scrutinize Kushner’s wheelings and dealings. Kushner’s December meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was placed under the media microscope earlier this year, so chatter of this nature will likely have that encounter trotted out again in the court of public opinion. Even if nothing comes of the scrutiny on Kushner, this news comes at a time when the image conscious Trump family has been trying to shake off the trend of negative stories constantly accompanying their brand.
UPDATE: Kushner has agreed to cooperate with the ongoing investigations if and when he is contacted.
(Via NBC News)