John Kerry Blasts Trump’s Transgender Military Ban, Saying It’s Against America’s Values

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Criticism of President Donald Trump’s tweeted announcement of a ban on transgender Americans serving in the military has been swift and among the voices speaking out against the LGBT-targeting move. Former Secretary of State John Kerry ripped Trump’s ban on Wednesday declaring it to be something that doesn’t fit into the fabric of American values. He delivered this message on Trump’s favorite political platform.

In a series of tweets, Kerry argued that excluding transgender service members is simply against the principles of the United States. Kerry used Harry Truman’s executive order to desegregate the military (issued July 26, 1948) as a point of comparison.

“Harry Truman didn’t break down barriers with an executive order just to have @POTUS try and build them back up via a tweet,” wrote Kerry in a five tweet critique.

Kerry, who received the Silver Star alongside other accolades during his military service, stated that he doesn’t see how the decision could fit with America’s principles.

“Nothing about today’s announcement is in line with our nation’s values. Nor is this decision in line with America’s traditional role setting standard for other countries to treat people with dignity,” he wrote. “Instead, this is just conjuring up fake excuses to discriminate/distract. We’re better than this.”

The announcement was defended by< a href=”” target=”_blank” title=””>White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders today in what is being branded by the Trump administration as a “military decision.”