Kellyanne Conway Tries To Redefine Feminism As ‘Anti-Male’ And ‘Pro-Abortion’ While Speaking At CPAC

Kellyanne Conway is back in action (but don’t call it a comeback) at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and although everyone is rather tired of making “alternative facts” jokes, she keeps bringing the hits. Her agenda today included attempting to remold feminism to her own definition, which was served up to a willing and enthusiastic audience. So, Conway won’t have a problem convince these CPAC attendees, but it’s worth calling attention to her effort to repaint the narrative.

While discussing the Women’s Marches that took place following Donald Trump’s inauguration, Conway told commentator Mercedes Schlapp that the feminist movement is full of man haters who want to get abortions:

“It’s difficult for me to call myself a feminist in a classic sense because it seems to be very anti-male, and it certainly is very pro-abortion, and I’m neither anti-male or pro-abortion. So, there’s an individual feminism, if you will, that you make your own choices … I look at myself as a product of my choices, not a victim of my circumstances.”

Pro-choice does not necessarily mean pro-abortion, but Conway’s not here for the nuance. Trump’s counselor also said she would encourage her daughters to run for president but believes that the “sisterhood” who marched against Donald Trump is too negative, and they really don’t want women to be in charge (?):

“It turns out there are a lot of women who just have a problem with women in power. You know, this whole sisterhood, this whole ‘let’s go march for women’s rights,’ and just constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear or making fun of their choices or presuming that they’re not as powerful as the men around. This presumptive negativity about women in power is very unfortunate.”

At this point — after Conway has ceased to make sense on a number of occasions — one wonders if she actually believes what she’s saying. While on the CPAC stage, she declared that the event was “going to be TPAC by tomorrow,” perhaps because Donald Trump is speaking tomorrow morning, or because she simply felt like renaming the shindig.

In the end, Conway is criticizing supporters of Hillary Clinton while claiming that they don’t want to see women in power. She’s also still supporting a man who thinks it’s cool to grope women without consent because he’s a celebrity. Not to mention all of the efforts that Trump and the GOP Congress have taken to make sure reproductive rights will be taken back to the 1960s as soon as possible. Conway’s so exhausting.